Kuksi’s art speaks of a timelessness–potentiality and motion attempting to reach on forever, and yet pessimistically delayed; forced into the stillness of death and eternal sleep.

He treats morbidity with a sympathetic touch and symbolizes the paradox of the death of the individual by objective personification of death. There is a fear of this consciousness because it drops in upon us without mercy, and yet there is a need to appeal to it in order to provide a sense of security, however deluded that sense may be.

Kuksi’s art warns us that this appeal is irrelevant, and that we should be slow to create a need for it. His themes also teach us that although death may pursue us arbitrarily, we should never neglect to mourn the tremendous loss of individual potential.

Born March 2, 1973, Kris spent his youth in rural seclusion and isolation along with a blue-collar, working mother, two much-older brothers and an absent father. Open country, sparse trees, and alcoholic stepfather, perhaps paved the way for an individual saturated in imagination and introversion.

His fascination with the unusual lent to his macabre art later in life. The grotesque to him, as it seemed, was beautiful. Reaching adulthood his art blossomed and created a breakthrough of personal freedom from the negative environment experienced during his youth.

He soon discovered his distaste for the typical American life and pop culture, feeling that he has always belonged to the ‘Old World’. Yet, Kris’ work is about a new wilderness, refined and elevated, visualized as a cultivation emerging from the corrupt and demoralized fall of modern-day society. A place were new beginnings, new wars, new philosophies, and new endings exist.

In personal reflection, he feels that in the world today much of mankind is oftentimes frivolous and fragile, being driven primarily by greed and materialism. He hopes that his art exposes the fallacies of Man, unveiling a new level of awareness to the viewer.

HIS SITE where you can see much more of his sculpture work. Using zoom (by clicking the sign "+" below each photo), you will be able to see all the incredible details in each sculpture

Όντως είναι λίγο περίεργος!
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήΣου έδωσα βραβείο, αν θέλεις περνάς και το παίρνεις!
Την καλησπέρα μου!!!!
Ούτε ο αδερφός μου να ήταν δεν θα είχε τέτοιο κόλλημα με τους σκελετούς!
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήαυτοί όμως ειναι πραγματικά έργα τέχνης!
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήich möchte bitte ein bild für eine collage auf meinem blog nutzen, danke P.