"Across the Ravaged Land" is an album by the photographer Nick Brand about the animals in Africa that are in danger to extinction. The most stunning series of photos are those from lake Natron in Tanzania. The extreme temperature (60 degrees Centigrade) salinity and alcalitity of the lake is lethal for any bird falls into the waters. The bodoies wer covered with crystalized minerals and became hard like carved in stone keeping all the details of their body. Some such petrified birds were collected and photographed like being alive. The result was so macabre and shocking. You can visit his site to have a view about this album, not only about the macabre exhibits of lake Natron.
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Πριν από 1 εβδομάδα
Nice blog. good content for lake natron is an mystery.
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήThanks for sharing the article.Really Lake Natron is an mysterious stories.its unsolved mystery.