Could corpses at various macabre, decaying and gory conditions become subjects of artistic significance? Of course Death and macabre issues always produce a strange attractive-repelling feeling, so they have formed one of the most important theme in art beside Portraits, Beauty, Eros, Nature and Landscapes. By seeing such disturbing works from various contemporary photographers, like Andres Serrano, Sally Mann and Tsurisaki Kiyotaka, you find yourself in such a bipolar and confusing feeling at its stongest.

The series of photographs by the notorious Andres Serrano “The Morgue” (1991) , based on details of dead bodies, with info about the cause of death (murder, illness, burning, suicide, poisoning, etc), is related to the fascination of death present in the romanticism of the 19th century , particularly the works of
Theodore Gericault, whose series inspired him. As Serrano said:
“I use photography as a painter uses his canvas”.