Σχέδια και χειρόγραφα γραμμένα με κατοπτρική μορφή (από δεξιά προς τα αριστερά ώστε να διαβάζονται μέσω καθρέφτη) σχετικά με την ανατομία του ανθρώπινου κρανίου και των δοντιών. Εξαιρετικής πιστότητας αναπαραστάσεις των τμημάτων και των τομών ενός ανατομημένου κρανίου και εμφάνισης των εσωτερικών κοιλοτήτων και κενών, αφού έχει αφαιρεθεί προσεκτικά το εξωτερικό μέρος.

This is one of a series of studies of the human skull by Leonardo. Based on direct observation, the drawings are famous for their anatomical accuracy and the breathtaking virtuosity of the pen and ink technique employed.
In this meticulously observed side view of the sagittal section, Leonardo plots the site of the sensus communis, which he believed was the locus of the human soul, at the intersection of upright and diagonal lines seen within the tilted plane at a point that marks the proportional centre of the skull. (

Skull anatomy by Leonardo da Vinci. Historical artwork and notes on the anatomy of the human skull and teeth, by the Italian artist and scientist Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519). This bisected skull shows the external structure (right), and dissected facial sinuses (left), the air-filled spaces inside the bones of the face. The diagram at lower left shows the teeth present in one half of the mouth: 4 incisors, 2 canines, 4 pre-molars, and 6 molars. Da Vinci was the first anatomist known to have correctly noted the number and root structure of human teeth. The notes are an example of his mirror writing, which was written backwards from right to left, and could be read in a mirror. (