TATOMIR PITARIU is a "dark artist" born and raised in Sibiu, a historic city in the south part of Transilvania, Romania. Though he grew up in the midst of it, Tatomir was, and continues to be fascinated by the mythic and mysterious folklore of his homeland. The dark forests, mountain streams, fantastic creatures and hiking through nature along ancient ruins, set the base for most of his artwork. In 1995 Tatomir moved to Los Angeles with his family. Since then, his art has become a combination of childhood memories and the everyday life in the land of "Hollywood Dreams." Tatomir's original style of graphite drawing became, over the years, art embraced by the black, trash and folk metal scene. Many bands commissioned Tatomir’s work for logos and CD art. His artwork has also been integrated into many L.A. art-scene shows and charity events. Visit his sites for more of his work:
www.tatomir.com. Also klik on each title to read more about the myth every painting represents.
Χρόνια πολλά, Καλή Χρονιά με υγεία αγάπη και ευτυχία!
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήΤώρα κατάλαβα γιατί οι παλιότεροι όταν άκουγαν κουκουβάγια έξω από το σπίτι τους έλεγαν ότι κάποιος θα πεθάνει..... Νομίζω ότι και αυτό με την κόκκινη και άσπρη κλωστή το έχουμε έθιμο το Μάρτιο για παρόμοιους λόγους....
Την καλησπέρα μου!!!!
καλησπέρα και καλή χρονιά!!